Residential Beach Lot
2 Bedroom
2 Bath
Open Living/Dining/Kitchen
Sun Porch
Sun Deck
Fully Furnished
CC Included
nengi65 Rocks,shrubs,3x4 Rug,Cozy Living coffee table,Flowerbox,Life Preserver mirror,Adirondack table/chairs,Painted siding 01,3x1 rug,Simple kitchen curtains,Wild growth,PineGultcherFence,Flowers in a barrel,Deck Stair RC,Maxis shrub/towel RCs
Me_CII Recolours=paintings,kitchen utensils,bicycle
Manuela10699 Kitchen utensils,bicycle
Zita Cabinet
dgandy Colonial windows
Numenor Stairs
Helena Fence
Moon_EZ "The Shark" fencepost lantern
Inge Jones Automatic drapes
justmoi "Majestic Appeal" frame
Marina Sims Gable ornament
Havelock LYRA Pendant lamp shade
plasticbox Seaside siding
Residential Sims Roof
olemantiker "The Breeze" curtains
Lethe_s Grass
Kate "Eponymouse Garden" lavender old set
Svealyn Sailboat
senesi2003 Seasons Door White RC
Beach lot by Mutantbunny
CC Not Included
Pescado Pint Sized Crate
Thank You to the Creators!
This lot contains Hacks that control wave action. You may safely remove them in CI, but it is recommended that you install them.

Built on this location in nengi's Paradise Island Hood but should sit on other locations.

here is a folder in the rar with the Maxis recolours. You MUST add it to your Downloads folder before installing the lot!
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