2x4 Beach Lot
1 Bedroom
2 Bath
Recreation Room
Fully Furnished
CC Included
nengi65 Rocks,Flowers,Shrub,Flowerbox,LifePreserver Mirror,Bed,Curtains,EA Loveseat RC,Roman Shades
Me_Cameranutz II Walls,Siding,Terrain Paint,Roman Shade RCs,EA RCs=bedding,fan,stairs,Mahjong table,easel
Manuella10699 Bicycle (RC by me)
CT Nutmegger Kitchen Wall Cabinets
dgandy Colonial windows, Gable vent
Svealyn Sailboat
Numenor Extracted CAS MicroSpotlight,deck stairs (RC by nengi65)
plasticbox EA Bookcase RC
Beach lot by Mutantbunny
This lot contains Hacks that control wave action. You may safely remove them in CI, but it is recommended that you install them.
The OMSP by Lord Darcey used to place some objects is included. You may remove it thru CI. However, certain objects will be "displaced" in the lot.
Thank You to the Creators!

The lot was built on this location in nengi's "Paradise Island" 'Hood...You can find it here
It should also place in most EA hoods.

There is a folder in the rar with the EA recolours. Place in your downloads folder before installing the lot.
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