The sun is hot and the wind warm, all you want to do is lay down on the beach and relax...or maybe take a swim...but it's still early in the summer so the water is a bit cold. Better stay here and just feel the breeze for a while...
Required: S2, Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV
Stuff Packs used: FFS, GLS, HHS
Beachlot: 3x5
Cost: 72 252$
1 Bedroom
2 guest/kids room in outhouse
2 bathrooms
Private beach
Custom Content Included
nengi65 Fence, Flowering vine, Rocks, Cliff terrain, Big+huge Bougainvillea+recolor, flowerbox, Season table
Jonesi White trellis
macarossi Plants
SimsDreamland 2 walls
Pieceofcookie/Premmert Terrainpaint Stone Granite
Eaxis Swing + Camping Lantern
tarox Garden swinging sofa, Garden tools
SalixTree @ parsimonious: Terrainpaint, Path To Meadow
!!!The white recolor of nengis Bougainvillea is seperatly packed in the rar-file, please install it before you install your lot
!!!The VW-Beetle is NOT included If you want you can get it Here at www.exnemsims.com
A big thanks to all wonderful creators that made this lot possible!

Required: S2, Uni, NL, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV
Stuff Packs used: FFS, GLS, HHS
Beachlot: 3x5
Cost: 72 252$
1 Bedroom
2 guest/kids room in outhouse
2 bathrooms
Private beach
Custom Content Included
nengi65 Fence, Flowering vine, Rocks, Cliff terrain, Big+huge Bougainvillea+recolor, flowerbox, Season table
Jonesi White trellis
macarossi Plants
SimsDreamland 2 walls
Pieceofcookie/Premmert Terrainpaint Stone Granite
Eaxis Swing + Camping Lantern
tarox Garden swinging sofa, Garden tools
SalixTree @ parsimonious: Terrainpaint, Path To Meadow
!!!The white recolor of nengis Bougainvillea is seperatly packed in the rar-file, please install it before you install your lot
!!!The VW-Beetle is NOT included If you want you can get it Here at www.exnemsims.com
A big thanks to all wonderful creators that made this lot possible!

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